4068 Keswick Drive Atlanta, GA 30339 USA

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Our Services

TERN Yard Management Solutions – Powered by YardViewPRO®

Do you want to save time, money, and effort on yard management but don’t know where to start?

Does safety, equipment, inventory, detention/demurrage fees or dock management issues keep you up at night?

Tern Services has proudly partnered with YardView to offer a yard management software system that is a game-changer to any operation. Your operation will be transformed by a fully customized system set up exactly for your needs. Gain valuable insight to business intelligence with accurate, real-time data that includes asset location, load status, driver productivity, and more. The system also includes an open API for integration with business systems so that key data can be shared and processes can be automated. Whether you seek to fix the common problems or roll out the next level of innovation, we have the solution for you.

Our spotting teams report to work with Safety in mind as each shift begins with a Safety meeting and a briefing from the previous crew. The productivity goals for the crew’s shift are reviewed prior to the start of the shift so that each team member is reminded that our function is to meet our Customers’ needs, but in a Safe manner of performance. Key metrics are communicated to each crew leader and member throughout their shifts so that our employees know of their contributions to our Customers’ spotting needs. Telemetrics are monitored in real time throughout each shift so that we know how our employees are responding to our customers’ requirements and how our tractors are being operated.
Our DOT Class-A accredited shuttle drivers provide off-premise movement between Customers’ manufacturing sites and ancillary warehouses. Equipment is checked in accordance with DOT requirements prior to each shift with the crew leader observing and signing off on the suitability of each road tractor. Key metrics are communicated to each Shuttle crew leader and Shuttle member throughout their shifts so that our employees know of their contributions to our Customers’ Shuttle needs. Telemetrics are also monitored in real time throughout each shift so that we know how our employees are responding to our customers’ requirements and how our shuttle tractors are being operated.
We provide our customers with the availability of late model dry, refrigerated and special equipment for their spotting and shuttle needs. Tern Services can place a certified refrigerated mechanic on site to maintain the condition and load worthiness of every of every trailer in the pool. Our customers are provided daily yard inventory reports so that they know the whereabouts of every trailer being rented.
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